Monday, 18 March 2013

'Of Mice and Men' Revision: George (student notes)


A parental figure

·         When Lennie broke Curley’s hand,  George said to him “It ain’t your fault. You don’t need to be scairt no more. You done jus’ what I tol’ you to. Maybe you better go in the wash room an’ clean up your face. You look like hell” p.93
§  George only cares about Lennie, even though Lennie was wrong and broke Curley’s hand, he is still on Lennie’s side and support him no matter what he has done. George only act as a parent of Lennie and do whatever is good for him

·         When George killed Lennie p.144-147
§  He killed Lennie as he doesn’t want Lennie to stay in this world and suffer by keep on making wrong decisions/troubles
§  He is planning what is the best for Lennie(not murdering him)
§  George is selfless, although he mentioned Lennie is his only good friend, he still shoot Lennie not for his own good

·         “George stacked the scattered cards and began to lay out his solitaire hand” p.66
§  No one is a real friend of him instead Lennie(who is depended on him), he mentions he cannot live without Lennie “But you get used to goin’ around with a guy an’ you can’t get rid of him” p. 67
§  He is not a friend with anyone in the farm, moreover, he is new to the farm

Takes advantage on Lennie
·         The incident where Lennie jumps into the Sacramento River as George said so p. 66
§  George sometimes gets bored too and start to play on Lennie
§  Or, he doesn’t actually know that Lennie is really depended on him at that time, Lennie does whatever George tells him so he wasn’t meant to play on Lennie

His dream
·         “sure, we’d have a little house an’ a room to ourself. Little fat iron stove, an’ in the winter we’d keep a fore goin’ in it……” p. 85
§  He wishes he is not working in a ranch as a labour working day by day, but instead he has his own little house which he can earn and live by himself. However, money is the biggest problem as they don’t have enough money to set this all up

Really familiar with Lennie, know what his weaknesses are
·         “I done another bad thing” “It don’t make no difference” p.144
§  He understands what needs and what he is. He knows he is a little kid which is unable to do anything. This is why George is keep in protecting him and try to be supportive and do what is the best for Lennie.

Weak, needs Lennie to back him up
·         “The first man was small and quick… Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man, dragging his feet a little” p.19
§  This shows George’s physical size is smaller which means he is weaker so he always stick with Lennie for protection as Lennie is big and strong
§  George has a smart brain but he can’t do anything, all physical work must be done by Lennie

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