Monday, 18 March 2013

'Of Mice and Men' Revision: Racism (student notes)


Steinbeck presents Crooks as a character that should be admired, he has noble qualities, appearing better educated and with more pride than the white men but yet he is black so is treated worse than everyone else. Steinbeck is thus showing 1930’s racism (not advocating it.) Steinbeck shows the intensity of racism on the ranch in many ways as sown in the examples below. However, Crooks is the main victim of this but deals with it proudly because of his diligent behaviour.

                  Crooks: Black, crippled, represents black segregation in 1930’s USA. Has his own room within the stables so he’s away from the white workers. He reads - implies he is intelligent/ educated. Joins games of the white people but on their terms.
                  ‘Long box filled with straw with his blankets thrown down’ – implies he has treated like a animal, in the barn with animals just because he's black so this, yet again, shows segregation.
                  ‘California civil code’ – interested in knowing about his rights - He wanted to know if the way he was being treated was the right way.
                  ‘Crook’s was a proud aloof man’ – implies he has his self respect and dignity which help him survive through all this discrimination and he knows that’s how it will lead to the others to respect him in the future.
                  ‘Kept his distance and demanded other people keep there’s’- method of self defence to protect his dignity
                  Crooks segregates himself because he's not allowed to do anything with the others ‘its jus a busting black nigger speaking.’ - shows he's independent?
                  Crooks represents Loneliness / isolation due to racism.
                  ‘ a guy needs somebody to be near him’ – Crook’s loneliness
                  ‘it was difficult for Crooks to conceal his pleasure with anger’ this shows he wants the company of the white man even though he is at a social disadvantage because of his skin colour.
                  Hope between the three men - share dream and even Crooks want to be in on their plan – he wants to be an equal
                  ‘Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree’. She implies she can get him lynched. Shows racism of 1930’s America.
                  ‘Reduced himself to nothin’ – Crooks was diminished by Curly’s Wife. Steinbeck is showing the reader the racism of the era and is critical of it.

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